
About us

Making Time



Our Story

In Vagalost, travel is the way we can express ourselves and a way to feel free.

We’ve always looked to live a life of purpose, and not only work in a company for the rest of our lives, but rather doing and believing in something bigger than ourselves: we always knew there was more than just a 9 to 5 workweek and that there were so much more memories to live… 

During 2019, just as any other day, we found on Youtube a quite peculiar leader, who precisely his incredible work was based on that, on finding that purpose we´ve been looking for. His name is Simon Sinek and his speech was about the so-called “Why”.

Basically, after deepening in their insights and from that travel passion, we decided to give it a shot to our guts and part of our dream was created: Vagalost. A brand born in 2020, right in the middle of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

This particular pandemic hit humanity really hard in many ways and taught us different things to each of us. In a nutshell, I particularly learnt that time is precious and that it passes by so fast just as the next train we are waiting for at the train station.  We cannot retrieve the time that is gone already, but we can learn about it and spend the best way possible our finite time today and tomorrow.

Our clock is ticking, let’s make every second of that ticking worth it in something meaningful for ourselves and others.


Our Essence

Our Why

Why we do what we do?

To inspire people to pursuit memories, so that together we discover what meaningful stories could be in our Journey as we try.

Our Hows

How we do what we do?

  • Determinedly Explore Earth and space.
  • Seek to be Better (than ourselves).
  • Be the place people always dreamt to work at.
  • Always think, do and act based on our Obsession of our Why, Hows & Vision.
  • Be a “Small Giant“.
  • Engage with people based on Trust, Humility and Equality.
  • Demonstrate Courage.
  • Do it Step by Step.
  • Build our own Freedom.



What game do we play?

We chose to play the Infinite Game.

This is a game where there cannot be a winner or loser, there are not agreed-upon rules and players can be or not known. Nobody can “win” in an Infinite Game or declare themself the winner in life. The primary purpose then, is to keep playing (staying in business) and doing a positive impact somehow, even after we die.

How? Simply doing something with a deep sense of purpose (money is not one) that can impact other people’s lives positively and so that they can carry that impact to the next generations.

Vagalost aims to keep playing competing solely against ourselves to improve and to precisely make our vision and purpose keep playing, even after we are gone. We believe in being in service for each other.



The vision we have

“We imagine a world where the vast majority of people wake up inspired, feel safe and worthy at work and love the what they do, allowing them to feel fulfilled and proud of themselves as they are able to travel without limitations all over the world and the outer space, discovering a true sense of purpose in life.”

That is why we try Marking Time Count: every single day we try investing time doing something we love, feel passionate about and thus feel we belong to something bigger than ourselves.

Why do you want to live? What’s the point? What inspires you? How you are making now your time count?


The founder

Hi! My name is Carlos, and I am 31 years old.

Just as many other people out there, I was taught at school and even at home, that the unique success formula was the one we have been hearing on and off: study something you are interested in (not even passionate about) and work really hard for that prestigious company as much as you can from 9 to 9 (not even 9 to 5 anymore) to climb up the “success ladder” and get better paid, while getting married, having kids… and then keep working for 40 or so years, retire at 65 and just until then start enjoying life… a life where one does not have much time left.

After working at 5 different discouraging and frustrating companies in throughout 4 years in a row and after coming home stressed almost every single day, (desperate for feeling stuck in life and mostly feeling doing something that was not passionate for me), I realized that such lifestyle was definitely not one I wanted to live.

A lot of people are afraid to try new and different things for many reasons; failure, they are scared to lose their steady paycheck, the lack of knowledge, do not know where to start off, do not know what they want, you name it… and thus they end up working at ordinary jobs, with an ordinary routine in an ordinary life… and that’s exactly what happened to me. This reason became so compelling enough for me that is why I am striving to get rid off that fear of trying. Why? Simply because I fear looking back at the end of my life and regretting the risks I did not take, or the chances I did not take.

I see life literally as a Journey, where we can explore endless places on and outside Earth; a Journey in where we are limited with our lives, but infinite as a Journey and which will continue with or without us. Thus, doing something today for the impact of today and tomorrow (and the fulfillment of doing that), is in our essence and as our purpose to keep pushing.

I am particularly very excited to be part of this Journey, doing what I love and at the same time sharing and working together to build that Cause we strive for.

Let’s make it happen.


My Profile CDRG

Tell us your story!

Tell us your story about what you did and how travel or whatever you do, helped you to design your own Freedom. Let’s inspire each other!

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